Benefits of drinking wine according to science

Drinking wine has been a historical tradition of mankind and, the general idea, is that drinking wine (in moderation, of course) has health benefits. Against this backdrop, countless scientific and medical studies over the past two centuries have shown that moderate wine consumption can improve not only health but also the quality of life, so the benefits of drinking wine are numerous.

In ancient times, in many villages, the lack of water led to the production of wine, so this drink, more than a luxury, was the symbol of life and sustenance. That is why the investigation of why wine has always been considered one of the most powerful and significant elixirs known to the human race has not yet been closed.

Mainly, it should be noted that it is important to drink wine in moderation, as all these scientific studies show that the benefits are associated with moderate consumption on a weekly basis.

If you think that not drinking red or white wine during the week and then having a few bottles of wine on the weekend is healthy, you are completely wrong.  Therefore, we recommend that you drink wine slowly, appreciating its flavor in each sip, feeling the texture and aroma so that you can appreciate what has been cultivated with so much effort in the vineyards.

Here, we have gathered some interesting facts and curiosities about how wine can influence your health. Take it easy, get to know your favorite beverage and drink in moderation.

1. Drinking wine promotes longevity

Resveratrol is a polyphenol found mainly in red wines. It is a powerful antioxidant that can be found in grape skins and red grape juice. Antioxidants enable our body to fight against free radicals that generally damage our organs and cells.

Research demonstrates that resveratrol enhances health and longevity by increasing the activity of a protein named sirtuin. Sirtuins are responsible for protecting the body against the diseases of aging.

Several studies have suggested that the consumption of alcohol, particularly wine, has shown health benefits that lead to a longer lifespan. However, these studies stress that the benefits are only obtained with moderate consumption.

Key conclusion: If you want to protect your body against the diseases of aging, consuming a moderate amount of wine brings positive health benefits that can lead to a longer life.

2. Drinking wine helps keep your heart healthy

Since many centuries, cardiovascular disease has become a known and potentially deadly problem for the world.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more people still die each year from CVD than from any other disease, and it is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide.

Many researchers have shown that polyphenol intake is associated with a lower risk of CVD. Wines contain polyphenols that can be actively found in flavonoids that also have antioxidant properties.

These polyphenols, again, are called resveratrol and may help protect the lining of the heart’s blood vessels. Consuming 1 to 2 drinks per day (4 to 8 ounces) may reduce the risk of CVD.

Drinking wine can help reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL), also known as bad cholesterol, which can cause artery damage, and increase high-density lipoproteins (HDL), also known as good cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, wine prevents the formation of blood clots.

The bottom line: Drinking 4 to 8 ounces of wine a day can reduce the risk of CVD due to the polyphenols it contains.

3. Nutrients in wine may prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Unfortunately, dementia is a powerful and negative chronic disorder that can usually come with old age.

Studies show that wine consumption can reduce the risk of dementia, which often leads to Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is a developing mental deterioration that can occur as one ages. Again, the resveratrol found in wines helps keep blood vessels open, so that the essential supply of oxygen and glucose can move freely to the brain to keep it alive and functioning.

Most importantly, the resveratrol found in wine keeps the blood vessels free of blockages that can affect brain functions to retain memories.

4. Drinking wine in moderation helps keep depression at bay

Depression has been a common but serious disorder for some people, as it can affect the way they feel, think and handle everyday activities. This may sound counterintuitive, as most people know that drinking alcohol can make depression or anxiety worse. Despite this, drinking a glass of wine a week can combat depression.

A seven-year study by PREDIMED looked at 5,500 individuals from light to moderate wine drinkers and found that individuals who drank two to seven glasses of wine a week were less prone to depression than non-drinkers.

Again, this is about drinking in moderation, as in the same study those who drank alcoholic beverages in excess were more prone to depression.

Key conclusion: enjoying two to seven glasses of wine in a week may be the remedy for depression.

5. Benefits of Drinking wine: wine can give you healthier skin

The high levels of antioxidants in wine, when applied directly to the skin, can inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria and are beneficial for maintaining healthy skin. Antioxidants rejuvenate the skin, increase its elasticity and keep it bright and glowing.

When consumed as a beverage, wine can stimulate blood circulation, which can prevent the formation of wrinkles and skin aging. However, when drunk in excess, it throws the hormonal flow out of balance and can lead to skin dehydration and aggravate the chances of acne.

Benefits of drinking wine bottom line

The bottom line, wine contains antioxidants and polyphenols that are essential for maintaining healthy skin.

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