Organic wines: what are organic wines, and what are the benefits?

Ecological options are becoming increasingly popular: many supermarkets have aisles dedicated exclusively to organic products. In the wine aisle, you are sure to come across different options of high-quality organic wines.

Organic foods and beverages are grown or made without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides or chemicals; to be classified as organic, 95% of the ingredients used must come from organically or organically produced animals, plants, or ingredients.

The same is true of organic wines, whose health benefits are astounding.

But what exactly are the health benefits of ecological wines, and how are these wines made? Read on to find out.

What is organic wine?

For a wine to be classified as organic or ecological wine, certain steps must be followed throughout the winemaking process, and the first stage is the cultivation of grapes.

The current reality is that most products are grown with the help of fertilizers and pesticides and the same happens in some cases with the cultivation of grapes for wine.

For wines to be ecological, grapes must be grown in an organic vineyard without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers.

Different winegrowers adhere to different guidelines and processes to ensure that their vines remain healthy without the use of harmful chemicals.

Chemicals are much of the time utilized in grape plantations to kill any undesirable bugs or weeds that might harm or consume the plants.

Chemicals can help protect the vines and grapes, but some residues may remain on the grapes.

However, chemicals are not always necessary to protect the vine: there are organic methods that do not harm the wine or the environment.

Ecological vineyards use natural fertilizers to cultivate and fertilize the vines instead of fertilizers with added chemicals.

Vineyards are often surrounded by weeds, so to combat them, ecological winegrowers introduce sheep to graze around the area instead of using harmful chemical herbicides.

Although these methods are effective, many ecological growers will still use protective sprays; however, instead of chemical sprays, organic growers will use sprays made with natural products.

Measures must also be taken in the fining process to ensure that the wine is organic: instead of using chemical fining agents, organic winegrowers will use natural products to clarify the wine.

No sulfates or chemicals will be used in the winemaking process, ensuring that the wine is completely natural and ecological.

 What are the health benefits of organic wines?

Now that you know a little more about ecological wines, it is time to learn about their health benefits. More and more people are opting for organic options, so read on to find out why.

 Organic wine contains fewer sulfites

Sulfites (also known as sulfur dioxide/SO2) are an antibacterial preservative used to maintain the color and shelf life of food and beverages, and are often used by winemakers to keep wine fresher for longer.

Ecological winemakers still use sulfites to maintain wine quality over time, but organic wines only contain about 50% of the amount used in regular wines.

Notwithstanding, this implies that natural wine will in general have a more limited time span of usability than different wines.

Winemakers must legally list sulfites on the label if it contains more than 10 ppm sulfur dioxide. Legally, wines must not contain more than 150mg/liter of sulfites, and consuming up to this amount is considered safe.

Ecological wine contains less sugar

Most wines you will find on the shelves may contain sugar, either residual sugar or artificially added sugar.

The amount of sugar in a wine can determine the amount of alcohol it has, as more sugar in a wine usually results in a more alcoholic wine.

Ecological wines usually contain less sugar, which is perfect if you are trying to reduce your sugar intake, if you follow a low-carb diet or if you simply want to lose weight.

People who really appreciate the taste of wine will opt for wines that contain less sugar, as they will contain the natural flavors and aromas of the wine.

Ecological wines are more natural

Organic wines are better for your body and also for the environment.

Ecological wines are made from grapes that have not been sprayed with chemicals, which not only protects the environment but is better for your health.

In most cases, the levels of chemicals are not enough to harm you, but in general, it is best to stay away from chemicals when choosing your favorite wine.

Hangovers aren’t so bad with organic wines

Any wine fanatic can see the value in a wine that doesn’t leave you with a stellar headache the following day.

Well, organic wines contain fewer chemicals and sulfites, and will lessen the effects of a headache the next day. However, this is true if you drink in moderation.

Choosing organic wines is something all wine drinkers should consider, but it is important to stay hydrated while drinking your favorite beverage and to avoid consuming more than the recommended daily intake (unless it is a special occasion, of course).

If you want more info about organic wines, please, contact The Healthy Wine.

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